41 North Main Street
Lexington, TN 38351
ph: 731-798-6992
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Bobby Cogdell
Bobby Cogdell Insurance is staffed by an agent with Health Insurance experience of over 65 years. Bobby Cogdell offers you the very best in service.
The new office is located at:
41 N. Main St.
Lexington, TN. 3835
(3rd house behind the Dodge Store)
Call or text: (731) 798-6992
Email: bobbycogdell14@gmail.com
To enroll via the web, email Bobby and he will send a link to you. From here, you can enroll automatically. BlueCross agent#18854.
Upon graduating from Lexington High School in 1963, Bobby knew what he wanted his life work to be- a Life and Health Insurance sales agent. In the fall of 1963, Bobby enrolled at the University of Tennessee Extension school in Memphis, TN. He had a job at a grocery store and went to school at night. He successfully completed the course in December 1963 and entered the insurance business.
In 1964, he earned a total of $2,400. Then in 1965, he received $3,000 for that year. In January 1968, he went to work for Life of Georgia, Inc., where he stayed until July, 1985. He left to start Cogdell Insurance Agency. In February 2017, Bobby sold his business to Barbara Baker.
In 2022, after deciding retirement was not for him, Bobby decided to open another insurance agency at 41 N. Main, Lexington, TN 38351, directly behind his home. Currently, he works part-time except for the enrollment period when you will find him there full-time.
"When I look back over my shoulder at my 59+ years, I am most proud to say no client of mine has filed a lawsuit, nor has a client ever filed a complaint with the Department of Insurance," Mr. Cogdell stated.
Copyright 2022 Bobby Cogdell Insurance. All rights reserved.
41 North Main Street
Lexington, TN 38351
ph: 731-798-6992